Thursday 23 July 2009

Bad start for today....

i always have this mind set that i am not gonna like computer class because of my bad experience when i was in part 1. It's not like i hate computer or what, i do and i wanna learn more but i am a bit slow so its gonna be very difficult for me if my lecturer is moving at a very fast pace. But i do not want to give up so i said to myself, its ok farehah give another shot this time for CALL becasue it might be different and i really hope my lecturer this time would understand me better...However, it looks like history is repeating itself, i lost my mood to do all the task because i was sooo damn angry and frustrated with myself...honestly, i need more time to do the task using the Microsoft excel and i cant follow Dr. Izaham pace because he is too i was left behind, feel so stupid & dummy...absolutely i don't feel happy to go to class next week...perhaps Dr.Izaham could wait for us and gives us ample time to the task.....oh God, please help me!!!

Wednesday 22 July 2009

Friday 10 July 2009

hope & expectation....

Since yesterday until today, i keep on thinking about this class (TSL 641)....i am well aware of the fact that this class is very useful and i could learn so many new things about computer from Dr. Izaham.....however, the tasks given to us, made me feel so scared and worried....i really hope Dr. Izaham will help me in completing all the tasks because i doubt that i can do it all by expectation from this class is very high therefore i hope Dr. Izaham & my friends are willing to help me with it...suddenly i remember one famous Malay quote which is "Budak2 baru belaja, ambil galah tolong jolokkan, ada salah & silap..tolong tunjukkan".....i am willing to learn since i am not familiar with blog and its elements such as Hot Potatoes, Mambo, Flash, Open Source & what not....

Thursday 9 July 2009

A new experience.....

I heard people around me mentioning about BLOG, BLOGGING & BLOGGERS for years...but sadly i never read any blog and i know nothing about blog. Today, July 9, 2009 i learnt something new whereby i learn how to create my own i can express and share my thoughts with others easily with the use of blog, absolutely...hehehe, honestly, i find blogg as something very cool and awesome and i should have started using it long time ago...but better late than never rite???

Talking about myself, i am not a computer savvy I would say becasue my knowledge aboout computer is not that much....however i know how to use basic stuff such as Microsoft word, powerpoint, excel,publisher and movie...But i dont have any hardware skills or knowledge so i rather send my computer to the expert to heal it than to take the risk to repair it myself...

After i enter university, my knowledge about computer and internet has increased because i learn so many new things from my i am able to download anysongs or video clips from youtube and also upload videos or my photos for my facebook and these are the most common activities i oftenly engaged to.

Last but not least, computer and internet not only provide me the oppurtunity to pamper myself by wacthing cool video clips from my favorite singer from also serve the education purpose to me as a teacher...i did use computer during my practicum, i downloaded a nice video from youtube for my grammar class when i was doing my practicum in SMK Subang Utama. The video clip did catch the attention of my students as well as my supervisor and he gave me credit for my effort and a new creative way in teaching grammar to school students...if you would like to watch the video, you could search for "Grammar Rock Pronoun"......

Thats all for today, i i am sooooo happy and pround of myself because of my new personal achievement, which is I already have my own blog now.... : - )