Friday 28 August 2009


August 28,2009

Title : Reading Comprehension Exercises Online: The Effects of Feedback, Proficiency and Interaction.

This journal article was taken from the Journal of Language and Technology (Volume 11, Number 3 & 2007). The author is Philip Murphy; it is an action research and the study was done to examine a hypothesis which claims that comprehension of a reading passage could be enhanced by online materials promoting interaction between students as they completed a multiple – choice reading comprehension exercise. Interaction here means students interact with one another as it was promoted through pair work at a single computer and by providing elaborative feedback in the form of hints about incorrect answers as a means of stimulating discussion about corrections among them. In this study, students were randomly selected from upper and lower levels of English proficiency as determined by the Kanda English Proficiency Test.
The aim of this study is to observe the connection between the reading comprehension exercises online with the effects of feedback, proficiency and interaction. To study the connection between students’ test result with the type of feedback they received. Does the type of feedback they received has any significant to their result for the second exercises based on the results and feedback from the first exercise.
As for the methodology, it starts with introduction to the lesson for 15 to 20, and then they were given 40 minutes to read the text and complete the first multiple- choice comprehension exercises. Next, students were divided into two level (upper & lower) according to level of proficiency and they were randomly chosen to work either individually or in pairs as they are completing their exercises. After that, students were given 20 minutes to complete a second comprehension exercises related to the same text. Furthermore, transcripts of the video sessions were written by the students themselves and lastly all input data were stored in a database and analyse quantitatively.
The samples of this study were first year English majors at Kanda University of International Studies in Japan. It involved 407 students from 15 classes were then divided into four bands; advanced (3 classes), upper intermediate (4 classes), intermediate (4 classes) and lower intermediate (4 classes). The findings of this study are as follow: First, Elaborative feedback was found to be equally as effective as KCR (Knowledge of Correct Response) feedback. Second, individual work was found to be equally effective as pair. Third, higher proficiency students performed significantly better than lower proficiency students. Fourth, there is a difference in terms of scores on the second comprehension exercises whether students received Elaborative feedback or KCR feedback and whether they worked individually or in pairs during the first comprehension exercises. Fifth, no significant difference between students scores on the second comprehension exercise regardless of the feedback and proficiency level. Sixth, no significant difference in scores on the second comprehension exercises whether higher or lower proficiency students worked alone or in pairs. Lastly, there is no statistically significant interaction between type of feedback, manner of study and English proficiency level.
Honestly, this research does interest me because it is interesting to investigate whether types of feedback does influence the results of comprehension exercises. Before this, when we did any online exercise or exercises from computer, the feedback is keep short and simple. For examples, “Excellent”, “It’s Correct”, “Try Again”, and “Incorrect” or others but it is very rare for us to come across feedbacks which are well elaborated when we get wrong answers. However, this study has opened my eyes and makes me realize the importance of elaborative feedback to the L2 learners. L2 learners did not learn form their mistake from the traditional type of feedback but elaborative feedback helps learners to learn from their mistake and able to identify the mistakes they did previously.
In my opinion, I think this research is well conducted because the researcher was well prepared in terms of materials. He has prepared both exercises for this study and also computer software, in which was custom-written with the facility to provide students with one of two different types of feedback. Moreover, the researcher also observes the participants while they are doing the exercises, due to that the end result might be accurate as he gets to witness the participants’ behaviour and physical reactions towards their results and the feedback.
This research is able to bring positive implications to the teaching and learning of ESL in Malaysia because it encourages learners to learn on their own (learner- centered). In other words, students are free to do exercises at home and any time, elaborative feedback helps them to enhance their skills in English language such as grammar part. Ever since elaborative help learners learn from their mistakes then there is no need for learners to use exercise books because answers in exercise books are fix and learners will not get feedback from it. Lastly, this research on elaborative feedback will help learners to learn their target language easily and perhaps in the future learners could use this not only to learn English language but also other languages such as French, Arabic and others.

This article was reviewed by Nurul Farehah Mohamad Uri

Thursday 6 August 2009


August 6,2009
2198, Thusrday


1. What does the application attempt to “teach”?

This application mainly attempt to teach grammar in integration with four important skills in English language learning which are reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. It also teaches correct pronunciation of English words to the application users. Besides focusing on the grammar and pronunciation part, this application also help to widen user’s general knowledge as it offers general knowledge for the users. For example, it teaches users to identify flags of several countries, the name of countries and the nationalities. Moreover, it also provides vocabulary that we use in daily conversation which helps users to practice the language in real life in order for them to be able to communicate in the target language.

2. What sort of things is the application user expected to do with regards to do with regards to learning the content?

This website are divided into 5 main categories or level which are children, beginners, elementary, intermediate and advanced level. Each level has different content from one another according to the level of proficiency. Therefore, the first thing users need to do is to identify their level of proficiency in English so that it will be easier for them to choose the most suitable category before they start to use this application. After, they have chosen their category or level of proficiency then there will be another six to twelve different topics according to each level for them to select. It is suggested that users select the topic according to sequence to make sure they are in line with the flow. Under each topic, there are four grammar lesson, functions as well as vocabulary. All users have to do is to select and click on it to start the lesson. Lesson starts with explanations of the rules along with clear examples (inductive approach) and user will automatically move on to the next step which is the practice part that consist of exercises or activities once they are done with the rules and ready to apply it.

The practice part is presented in a very simple, easy to handle and yet interesting. It is because the tests or quizzes are provided through flash quizzes. Users just need to click on the arrow button at the bottom of each page then users will directly link to the selected quiz and they just need to click the arrow button again for more quizzes. Then users are ready to answer the quiz after they have read the instructions. The number of questions is appropriate; the instruction is clear and understandable, the font is suitable, the keywords are bolded, space to write answers is also relevant and answer are provided for checking and revising purposes.. However, this application do not provide clue for the users, which mean u can’t afford to make any mistake and there is no second or third trial.

This application does not use the same pattern for the quizzes. Instead, different quiz come in different pattern and different colours so that it looks interesting and not dull. For instance, fill in the empty boxes with correct answers, write the missing letters, multiple choices and complete the dialogues. All in all, this application emphasizes self – directed learning as users need to work on their own and become an independent learner without the help from teachers, classmates or anyone else.

3. What sorts of computer skills is the application users expected to have in order to operate/ access / use the application?

The computer skills needed in order to operate this application is mostly just the basic skills such as typing skills which is needed to write the answers in the bracket, empty box or space in the exercises. Users are also expected to have the knowledge to surf the internet and browse a website as every page in link to one another. For examples, the main page in link to the rules explanations then the next page is link connected to the practice page and it is link to another page of exercises or quiz. The other skills that users need to have are simple skills such as clicking skills to click the correct button or symbol that will operate this page or link it to another page and also the skills to scroll the page up and down. Basically, users will not face any difficulty operating or using this application as it only requires simple skills and no complicated skills are used in this application. I think by using the simple skills in which most users know how to do it, it will encourage more users to use this approach as one of the method to learn English language but if complex skills are apply in this application and it becomes a burden to the users then they might reconsider whether they want to use this application again or not.

4. While you are “playing”/ “accessing”/ “assessing” the application, does it remind you of anything you do in a classroom, or with a teacher, or with a fellow classmate, or in self- study?

This application does not remind me of what I did in classroom, or with teacher or with fellow classmates because I never learnt English language using this approach. When I was in school, English was taught using teacher- centred approach and we didn’t get the chance use or explore the language as a mean of learning it. I was depending on my English teacher 100% to learn it. Plus, I never went to the computer lab or use the computer to learn English language. However, after I finished high school I started to surf the internet and learnt language through this kind of application and I did the same thing when I was learning my third language. So, this application only remind me of a few things that I did before in self –study as one of the step that I took in order to acquire English language as my second language.

5. Can you pinpoint some theories of language learning and / or teaching underlying the application?

There are several theories of language which are being used in this application, firstly, the direct method approach whereby application users learn directly in a target language (English) and no translation between first or second language. This application also teaches grammar using inductive approach which is one of the characteristic in the direct method approach. Secondly, is the audio lingual method in which users could use this application to learn how to use the language to communicate such as when meeting people, making reservation and others as examples of dialogues are provided along with voices of genuine and native speakers of the English language. Furthermore, new material is presented in dialogue forms. This application also emphasizes the use of visual aids and great importance is attached to pronunciation. Lastly, is the constructivist approach as this application is a self – study type of learning programme. It is created to learners who prefer student – centred approach and comfortable to work on their own pace before asking for more or deep explanation or guide from teachers.

6. How well the constructivist theory of learning is is applied to the chosen website (s)?

Constructivist approach can be defined as a learner – centered approach that emphasizes the importance of individuals actively constructing their knowledge and understanding with guidance from teachers. This approach is well – established in this application it is purposely created in accordance to the learner – centered approach. For example, application users will have to learn grammar component on their own, then move on to the next exercises and lastly answer the tests. Application users understanding towards the grammar content they have learned can only be measured from the exercises and test results that they receive on the spot. There is no teacher to mark or evaluate the exercise and test the users did. Plus, users are able to learn on their own pace without or less pressure since there is no teacher to punish them if they make mistakes and no such thing as trying to catch or finish the syllabus as this always happens in formal language class in school. It is also considered a well- established learner – centred approach because users get to experience new way of learning English language and it is something that they did not do in classroom with teachers. users are given the freedom to make mistakes, explore the language on their own way through the exercises, texts, games and other activities or learning materials which are especially created and cater the needs of the applications users that decide to use this application to learn English language.

7. In 1980’s and early 1990’s, there was a major debate on whether the computer was “master” of or “slave” to the learning process (Hinggins & Johns, 1984). In relation to your evaluation- was the computer a replacement for teachers or merely an obedient servant to students??

In my opinion, debate to decide whether the computer was a master or slave to the learning process should not occur. It is because both computer and learning process need and complete each other. Therefore, we cannot come to a conclusion saying that computer is either replacement for teachers or an obedient servant to students. Logically, teachers have become the root to the learning process for decades even until today, no matter how good or up-to-date certain countries with their technology such as Japan, they still need teacher in classroom to monitor and guide the students even though they are using computer as a main tool in learning process. So it completes each other; teacher might have the advantage in terms of explaining grammar rules to the students however teachers cannot provide interesting and variety types of exercises to students. Only computer is able to provide such interesting, interactive and coulourful exercises that will make the student enjoy doing the exercises intead of doing typical handwritten exercise prepared by teachers and student have to copy it down in their exercises book from the whiteboard. On the other hand, it is not true if we think that computer is like an obedient servant to students because based on my own experience, computer is playing it roles as a helper to the students and assistant to the teachers. Computer could provide so many exercises for the students in order to enhance their proficiency in English and with the help from computer, learning process is not limited only in formal classroom or in school but students could just use it where and whenever they like. Computer also is a great assistant to teachers because they are so many things and teachers’ task that could be done using computer. For example, teachers use Microsoft Excel to key in marks for examination or to create exercises. Then teachers also use Microsoft word to prepare the exam papers and prepared any important letters or proposal for education purposes. Just imagine how miserable a teacher could be without this very important assistant in today’s world of teaching profession. Again, I would like to emphasizes that computer was not a replacement for teachers or obedient slave to students.

8. Would you like to use this application yourself in your future work?

Yes. Give reasons?

No. Give reasons?

I will absolutely use this application again in the future for work purposes as well as for my own sake. It is because, I find it more easier for me to learn English language especially the grammar part using this application instead of reading a big thick grammar book and do the typical grammar exercise with a few illustration to ease the pain that learning grammar using traditional way is quite dry and boring. But if I choose to use this application to learn English, I know that I will enjoy my self as I am doing the exercises because the exercises are interesting and interactive with the help of computer. Moreover, this application also provide voice dialogue which makes learning more fun and interesting as students get the chance to listen to the authentic conversation by native speakers. It is also practical because user do not have to download or buy software in order to use this application. As long as users have internet connection then this application is ready to use and be explored by users. I will definitely share this website with my students, siblings and cousins because everybody could get the benefit of using this application. In the future, as an English teacher I would prefer to use this approach instead of using the traditional way of teaching English language. I believe this is the right time for English teachers to change the way English is taught and make it interesting especially to those who are not interested in learning English language and also for students in rural area who are very weak in this language. Perhaps with the assistance of this application, the learning process will become easier and meaningful so that they are able to acquire the language successfully.

9.Suggestion & Recommendation.

This website is a good and I would definitely recommend it to others, however they are certain parts of this application that need to be improve for the betterment. Firstly, I suggest that this application should change their font because the current font is not suitable and will make the users become demotivate even before reading it since the font is too small. So, the font should be larger and double the spacing between one line to another. Plus, this application should also add pictures or illustration as examples so that it will be easier for the users to understand one particular grammar part. Secondly, I suggest that this application should not cramp everything on one single page instead it should be in two to three pages if the explanation is too long. It is because without even reading it, users will have negative perception since they are too many facts that they have to read. Thirdly, this application should add more voiced dialogue so that users will have the chance to listen and practice an authentic conversation in target language. This application should also add group work or discussion for student to do it as a group in classroom with the guidance from teachers. Lastly, the practice or exercise page should have the navigation button for users to move on to the next page or go back to the previous page instead of stuck on that page if they could not answer it. So they should consider to make it easy for the users to navigate this application.

Evaluated by Nurul Farehah Bt Mohamad Uri